Monday, March 17, 2014

Ode on a Grecian Urn - the pyramid

Firstly, read the analysis activity we did not have time to complete last class.

After spending 30 minutes working on and discussing this - I suggest you keep a working doc of notes to upload later to your blog - we will move into pyramid groups.

What are the most important things I understand about Ode on a Grecian Urn?
  • In your groups you will take a big sheet of paper and create a 2D pyramid. Make it big
  • Divide the pyramid into three sections
  • At the base of the pyramid you will each add THREE post-its
  • Each post-it will answer the question above (so you will each have to come up with three different answers
  • After all post-its have been included, you will need to review them as a group. Which post-its seem to be similar. Can you organise them into different categories?
  • In the middle of your pyramid you should write the different categories you have decided on, arranging relevant post-its under the appropriate category. Thus, you will be moving from SPECIFICS to GENERALIZATIONS
  • Finally, at the top of your pyramid, decide on which category is most important out of the categories you have identified. Write it at the top. How did you agree? What criteria did you use to decide on the MOST IMPORTANT category? Be prepared to feedback to the class.

Some reflections on the Pyramid activity
  • What have you learnt about the formation of generalizations?
  • To what extent was a group necessary for this activity?
  • What do you think you have learnt about leadership?

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